Date: 2023/9/25


We're excited to announce a new release for Paketix Restaurant! This update brings several new features and improvements aimed at optimizing restaurant delivery management and enhancing user experience.

New Features

1. Integration with Getir

  • Overview: We now support integration with Getir. This allows restaurants to easily manage orders coming from Getir.
  • Details: Packets are auto-routed to couriers based on restaurant-configured settings. Real-time updates on cargo status are sent to end-users via Getir's system.

2. Packet Assignment Methods

  • Overview: Restaurants can now assign packets to couriers using two methods: Optimized and First In, First Out (FIFO).
  • Details:
    • Optimized: Assigns couriers based on various optimization factors.
    • FIFO: Couriers are assigned packets based on their proximity to the restaurant.

3. Configurable Delivery Settings

  • Overview: Additional settings have been introduced to configure delivery parameters.
  • Details: Settings include maximum distances for packet optimization, maximum travel time for couriers, and more.

4. Pause Auto-Assignment

  • Overview: Restaurants can now pause and manually control the auto-assignment process.
  • Details: This feature provides greater control over the delivery process.

5. Auto-Accept for Couriers

  • Overview: Couriers can now auto-accept assigned packets.
  • Details: This streamlines the assignment process, making it more efficient.

6. Improved Web and Mobile Panel

  • Overview: We've revamped the user interface for both web and mobile platforms.
  • Details: The new design aims to enhance user experience and ease of navigation.

7. Courier Monitoring Through Maps

  • Overview: Restaurants can now monitor their couriers through maps.
  • Details: This feature provides real-time tracking and status updates.