This is the first of the “Release Notes” document series. It reveals the features of this version of Paketix Restaurant.

Date of Release: August 2023

It took about an hour to prepare this document. Here’s the information given to Chatgpt 4.0:

I want to write a release notes document for the first "Paketix Restaurant" release. There are unique features which I believe will put us ahead in the competition. Below is a list of features that I can recall immediately:


1.     Ability to add restaurants’ own couriers to the system so that they can start managing deliveries with their own personnel. They can configure how many packets their own couriers can carry in one route and they can get an idea about how long the trip will take under current traffic conditions. They can also receive detailed reports about their couriers' activity.

2.     Restaurants can manually ask "Paketix Area Couriers" to deliver Restaurant's packages for them for a competitive price. The pricing model of Paketix Restaurant offers the "fair pricing" method for all parties involved in the process for life. Such as for Restaurants:

a.     A fixed price per kilometer driven between the restaurant's location and the delivery address location.

b.     A service cost, associated with the driver's time and effort.

And for couriers:

c.     A fixed price per kilometer driven.

d.     A fixed cost, associated with the effort of taking the package and delivering the package.

3.     Ability to download Paketix Restaurant mobile version from Apple and Android Application Stores.

4.     Ability to login to the system via Google Authentication.

5.     Ability to login to the system with multiple roles, such as Restaurant Company Owner or Restaurant Worker.

6.     Restaurant owners have the ability to

a.     Add or manage multiple restaurants. Watch their activity online. Get detailed reports about their delivery performance.

b.     Ability to add new personnel easily via QR code integration.

c.     Manage payments through credit cards and get reports about the invoices which were automatically created by “Paketix Restaurant”.

d.     Ability to add or manage restaurant couriers and have incoming packets routed to them automatically.

7.     Restaurant workers have the ability to:

a.     Add the end users’ address information easily via integration with autocomplete feature from Google.

b.     Send the new packets to Restaurant’s courier or to Paketix Delivery Service Provider (if available).

c.     Reroute the packet assigned to a Restaurant Courier into Paketix Delivery Service Provider.

d.     Upon adding a new packet delivery order for Paketix Delivery Service Provider, the restaurant receives information about the price of the operation in detail, such as the total distance between the restaurant and the end user location, and the breakdown of the items in the price.

e.     After the package is added to the Paketix Delivery queue, the restaurant receives information about how much they need to pay for the incoming courier and how much they will automatically be billed by Paketix Restaurant.

f.      They can monitor the status of the delivery, live.

g.     They can get detailed reports of their past deliveries.

h.     They can assign ratings to couriers about their performance on a single route.

i.      They can configure their delivery settings such as:

                                               i.     how many packets can a single restaurant courier carry in one route.

                                             ii.     how many minutes the package should be assigned to a restaurant courier before the package is ready.

                                            iii.     How much time does the restaurant courier have before accepting an assignment.

                                            iv.     How long a restaurant courier should be suspended if he/she does not respond to an assignment.

j.      They have the ability to integrate Paketix Restaurant with Trendyol Go marketplace application to communicate about the incoming packets and make necessary assignments for the packets.

And here’s the response

Paketix Restaurant Release Notes – Version 1.0


We are excited to introduce Paketix Restaurant, our innovative web and mobile application designed to redefine and enhance restaurant delivery operations. With an array of unique features crafted to give a competitive edge, we believe this initial release will set a new standard in the industry.

Key Features:

1.    Personal Courier Management for Restaurants:

·       Add in-house couriers to the system and manage deliveries with restaurant staff.

·       Configure packet capacity for each courier route.

·       Estimate trip duration under current traffic conditions.

·       Access detailed courier activity reports.

2.    Paketix Area Couriers & Fair Pricing:

·       Opt for Paketix Area Couriers for restaurant package deliveries at competitive prices.

·       Enjoy a lifetime "fair pricing" model:

·       For Restaurants: Price based on kilometers driven from the restaurant to delivery address. A service charge for driver's time and effort.

·       For Couriers: Kilometer-based earnings. Compensation for package pick-up and delivery.

3.    Paketix Restaurant Mobile App:

·       Available for download on Apple and Android stores.

4.    Authentication & Role Management:

·       Google Authentication enabled.

·       Multi-role login capabilities including Restaurant Company Owner and Restaurant Worker.

5.    Capabilities for Restaurant Owners:

·       Manage multiple restaurants, track their activity, and access performance reports.

·       Effortless addition of new staff using QR code integration.

·       Credit card payment management with automatically generated invoice reports.

·       Add or manage restaurant couriers for automated packet routing.

6.    Features for Restaurant Workers:

·       Simplified address input with Google’s autocomplete integration.

·       Choice to send packets via Restaurant’s courier or Paketix Delivery Service Provider.

·       Packet rerouting capabilities.

·       Transparent pricing details on packet additions to the Paketix delivery queue.

·       Real-time delivery tracking.

·       Access to comprehensive past delivery reports.

·       Rate courier performance per route.

·       Advanced delivery configuration settings.

·       Integration with the Trendyol Go marketplace for seamless packet management.

Closing Note:

With this inaugural release, our primary aim has been to create a user-centric, efficient, and transparent ecosystem for restaurant delivery management. We're eager to gather feedback to further refine and enhance Paketix Restaurant.

For any support or queries, kindly contact our support team at

Warm regards,

The Paketix Team.